Land Area 676,577 square kilometers
- Whole country 55.4 million (2005)
- Population growth 2.02 % (2005)
- Urban population 17.39 (2005)
- Population density 82 per square kilometer (2005)
GDP (2005-06)
-GDP at Constant price Myanmar kyats 4,661 billion
-GDP at Current price Myanmar kyats 12,255 billion
Social indicators
- Life Expectancy 62.0 (Male), 65.1 (Female) (2004-05)
- Under 5 mortality Rate (Urban) 70.08 (2004-05)
(per 1000 live birth) (Rural) 71.44 (2004-05)
- Adult Literacy Rate 94.5 (Male) (2004-05)
93.7 (Female) (2004-05)
- Population per physician 3030 (2004-05)
- Populaces per nurse 2953 (2004-05)
- Population/Hospital Bed 1536 (2004-05)
- Population with safe water supply (Rural) 74.4 % (2002-03)
(Urban) 92.1% (2002-03)
Structure of Production in (2005-06)
- Agriculture (including livestock, fisheries and forestry) 50.1%
- Mining 0.4%
- Manufacturing 11.4%
- Power 0.2%
- Construction 3.1%
- Transportation, Communication 8.3%
- Other services 3.4%
- Trade 23.1%